

영화 정보

Timeless Melody

New Currents


  • CountryJapan
  • Production Year1999
  • Running Time95min
  • Format 35mm
  • ColorCOLOR
Program Note
The ′other′ always speaks in a strange language. It is only when the meaning penetrates our heart that we respond to each other′s voices. It is this moment that signals the start of empathy. In this the Japanese film, Timless Melody, touches upon the sentiments of the younger generation. way, The film concerns three youngsters. Working at an old billiard hall, Kawamoto and Chikako lead boring lives, planning to form a band. One day, Shinoda, a trusted friend, comes by the billiard hall drunk and dies after confessing he has a son the same age as Kawamoto. Kawamoto finds the son, Tamura, and tells him of his father′s death, which leads to new experiences for the three of them. However, the film never equates experience with growing up in a romantic and optimistic way. Kawamoto and Tamura bury Shinoda′s body at sea, and Chikako leaves the billiard hall to catch a flight to the States. The moderate storytelling and portrayal of the situations render the characters′ psychology with efficiency. Music serves to fill the gap between these souls that flock together, yet stay at a certain distance. The three young people and Shinoda communicate through their own voices, and their echo remains in our hearts. As a young director born in 1968, Hiroshi Okuhara has succeeded in portraying the straightforward voices of young generations in his first feature film, with sponsorship from PIA Film Festival, the hub of Japanese independent filmmaking. (Kwon Yong-Min)
Hiroshi Okuhara
Born in 1968. Although he originally aimed to become a musician, he became interested in making films. His first film Picnic won the Casting Award and Audience Award at PIA Film Festival in 1993. Made as a sequel to Picnic, his second film Kazhakh was screened at PFF 1994. This is his first feature film which was made with the support of the 9th PFF scholarship.
  • Director Hiroshi Okuhara 오쿠하라 히로시
  • Producer Takenori Sento, Hidetoshi Morimoto
  • Cast Yakusy Aoyagi, Mikako Inchikawa, Taro Kondo
  • Screenplay Hiroshi Okuhara
  • Cinematography Jun Fukumoto
  • Production Design Cina Hayashi
  • Editor Hiroshi Okuhara, Takenori Sento
  • Music Takuji Aoyagi
  • Production Company Sento Takenori
    101 Villa New Century, 10-5, Sakuragaoka-Cho, Sibuya-Ku, 150 0031 Tokyo, Japan

  • World Sales PIA Film Festival
    5-19 Sanban-Cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 102 Japan