

영화 정보

Ice and the Sky

20th(2015) Wide Angle


  • CountryFrance
  • Production Year2015
  • Running Time90min
  • Format DCP
  • ColorColor
Program Note
Luc Jacquet, director of March of the Penguins (2005), returns to Antarctica, but this time for a portrait of Claude Lorius, a French explorer and scientist researching climate change. By studying Antarctic glaciers, it was he that first suggested that CO2 causes global warming. This film documents how Lorius often operated in extremely cold conditions, combining this with archival footage, and these historically valuable visual records alternate with the gray-haired Lorius lost in thought and surrounded by magnificent glaciers, which themselves play a major role. Ice and the Sky is a touching masterpiece that follows a scientist's devotion to finding hidden truths on one of his most difficult journeys. Appealing to young, would-be scientists, this film highlights scientists’ achievements, contributions and sacrifices. Ice and the Sky was screened as the closing film at 2015 Cannes Film Festival—the first time a documentary film had this honor. Shining with spectacular visuals against the stunning backdrop of Antarctica, its powerful message urging mankind to take responsibility for the environment is powerfully delivered. (RHEE Soue-won)
Born in Bourg-en-Bresse, France, Luc Jacquet holds a master’s degree in animal biology and ecology from the University of Lyon. A research project in Antarctica led to his career as a filmmaker. His films include Une plage et trop de manchots (2001), Oscar-winner March of the Penguins (2005), The Fox and the Child (2007) and Il était une forêt (2013).
  • Director Luc JACQUET 뤽 자케
  • Cast Bruno Podalydes
  • Screenplay Luc Jacquet
  • Cinematography Stephane Martin
  • Editor Stephane Mazalaigue
  • Music Cyrille Aufort
    France 6 rue de Montfaucon 75006 Paris,France 2 rue Lamennais 75008 Paris,France 10 avenue Hoche 75008 Paris

  • World Sales Wild Bunch
    France 65 rue de Dunkerque 75009 Paris