

영화 정보

Me Thao[상영취소]

7th(2002) A Window on Asian Cinema


  • CountryVietnam
  • Production Year2002
  • Running Time108min
Program Note
After the death of his beloved, rich nobleman Nguyen feels he has nothing to live for. He becomes delirious with grief, taking out his miseries on the people. Master musician Tam attempts to bring Nguyen back to happiness by setting him up with To, a ca tru singer. But To has sworn to give up singing forever, to honor her deceased husband. Can Tam convince her to win Nguyen’s heart with the secret weapons of her moving music and pure emotion?
Viet Linh
bron in 1952 in Vietnam. SHe worked as an editor for documentary film in 1970 and graduated with traning in cinematography in 1975. SHe also wrote a screeplay for a documentary film. Devil’s Mark(1992) won a Special Award at the Asia Pacific Film Festival in Fukuoka.
  • Director Viet Linh 비엣 린
  • Producer Viet LINH (비엣 린)