

영화 정보

Cracker Bag

8th(2003) Wide Angle

Family · Coming of Age · Children  

  • CountryAustralia
  • Production Year2003
  • Running Time15m
  • Format 35mm
  • ColorCOLOR
Program Note
Eddie spends her pocket money obsessively hoarding fireworks and carefully planning for cracker night. When it finally it arrives, Eddie and her family head to the local football oval. In the frosty air Eddie lights the fuse of her first cracker and experiences a pivotal moment, one of the seemingly small experiences of childhood, that affects us for the rest of our lives.
Glendyn IVIN
Glendyn Ivin was born in Tamworth, Australia, and originally studied graphic design before enrolling in the Victorian College of the Arts School of Film and TV. He also works in commercials and music video. [Last Ride] is his first feature film. Among his short films are [The Desert] (2006), and the Palme d’Or-winning [Cracker Bag] (2003).
  • Director Glendyn IVIN 글렌딘 어빈
  • Producer Jane Liscombe
  • Cast Edith Cattell Damon Kaine
  • Screenplay Jane Liscombe
  • Cinematography Greg Fraser
  • Production Design Jo Ford