

영화 정보

Hetnim Kid

7th(2002) Wide Angle

Children · True Story · Family · Education  

  • CountryKorea
  • Production Year2002
  • Running Time77min
  • Format DV
Program Note
Year 2000: A story about 11 children from the graduating class at Sakura Moto Nursery, their teacher, and their parents. The kindergarten’s motto is to raise the children to have a multi-cultural mindset, and the children are from 5 different countries and cultures. To raise the children devoid of prejudice, they hold friendly camps with children from other kindergartens. The Japanese teacher, in the meantime, reflects on her own life through the stories of the children’s parents who live as minorities in the Japanese society. The parents, children, and the teacher try to find a way to live together by opening their hearts. Although it may partially be due to long hours of working together, nevertheless the camera and the children seem quite intimate. Watching the children as they play in front of the camera, one hopes that they will be able to grow up in a world devoid of hatred. (Hong Hyosook)
Park Yoo Hwan
Born in 1969. Park Yoo-hwan studied modern dance in college. In 1997, after three years of attending film school in Beijing, he wrote, produced and appeared in a play, Tokyo New World, sponsored by The Asian Culture Foundation in Asia Bunka Kaikann. His cinematic debut, Oh! Happy Day(1999), was followed by Melody of Christmas(2000) and Story of the Autumn(2001).
  • Director Park Yoo Hwan 박유환
  • Producer Park Yoo-hwan 박유환
  • Screenplay Park Yoo-hwan 박유환
  • Cinematography Tanizaki Toshihide 타니자키 토시히데
  • Production Design Nagano Elise 나가노 애리세
  • Editor Park Yoo-hwan 박유환
  • Sound Yoko Sato, Bae Byeong Joo
  • Music Enokida Ryugi 애노키다 류우지
  • Production Company Sakuramoto
    1-8-22 Sakuramoto, Kawasakiku Kawasakishi 210-0833, Japan

  • World Sales Sakuramoto
    1-8-22 Sakuramoto, Kawasakiku Kawasakishi 210-0833, Japan