

영화 정보

The Night I Swam

27th(2022) Special Program in Focus

Family/Child · Adventure · Coming of Age · Environment/Nature  

  • CountryJapan/France
  • Production Year2017
  • Running Time89min
  • Format DCP
  • ColorColor
Program Note
A joint project that came together through an encounter between Igarashi Kohei and Damien Manivel at the 2014 Locarno International Film Festival. Set in Hirosakishi, Aomori Prefecture, The Night I Swam follows a boy’s journey through a day. The father is a fisherman who wakes up before sunrise and heads to the fish market. His early departure wakes his 6-year- old son. Unable to fall back asleep, the boy gets under the covers and begins to draw a picture. Later, on his way to school, the boy strays from the path and heads in a direction away from the school. He is headed to the market to give his father the picture he drew. The 6-year-old main character is played by Kogawa Takara who made his onscreen debut with this film. His every move betrays the audience’s expectations and breathes life into the still screen. Against the backdrop of the snowy Tohoku, this film presents the wonderful and special flow of time that exists solely in childhood. (MIURA Tetsuya)
Born in 1983 in Shizuoka. IGARASHI debuted with the feature, Voice of Rain That Comes at Night (2008), which won the Green Chameleon Award at Cinema Digital Seoul in 2008. His second feature and graduation work from the Tokyo University of Arts, Hold Your Breath Like a Lover (2014), was selected for competition at Locarno Film Festival 2014. The Night I Swam, co-directed with Damien MANIVEL, was invited to and screened at Jeonju International Film Festival.
Born in 1981. After directing shorts such as The Lady with the Dog (2011) and A Sunday Morning (2012), Damien MANIVEL received the Special Mention at Locarno Film Festival for A Young Poet (2014), his first feature film. His second feature, The Park (2016), was presented at Cannes. He won the Best Director at the Locarno International Film Festival for Isadora’s Children (2019).
  • Director IGARASHI Kohei 이가라시 고헤이, Damien MANIVEL 다미앵 마니벨
  • Cast Takara KOGAWA
  • Cinematography Wataru TAKAHASHI
  • Production Company MLD FILMS


  • World Sales Shellac