

영화 정보

Our Mothers

24th(2019) World Cinema

Suspense/Mystery · Women · History  

  • CountryGuatemala,Belgium,France
  • Production Year2019
  • Running Time77min
  • Format DCP
  • ColorColor
Program Note
This year’s Camera d’Or (Golden Camera) Award was awarded to a country not so familiar in the world of cinema. Guatemalan César DÍAZ has been working as an editor for over ten years and already made two documentaries, and his first feature film Our Mothers shows the influence from his previous experience.
Ernesto is a young anthropologist. At work, his job is identifying thousands of people who have disappeared during the genocide. At home, his mother lies in bed listlessly while the news goes on and on about the trial of soldiers who were involved in the civil war. One day, Ernesto meets an old woman, and he believes the photo she has will lead him to his father, a guerrilla who went missing during the war.
The personal story of Ernesto and his mother blends with the social issue driven by the history of ‘our mothers’, thousands of Mayan women who had to survive their husbands and sons. The director maintains a stoic approach, nothing is over-dramatic nor explicit, and ironically this in result enforces the tragedy. (Karen Park)
César DÍAZ
César DÍAZ was born in Guatemala in 1978. After studying in Mexico and Belgium, he joined the screenwriting workshop at the FEMIS Film School in Paris. He has been working as a fiction and documentary film editor for more than ten years. He has also directed the short documentary films Semillas de Cenizas, which was screened in about twenty international film festivals, and Territorio Liberado, which won the IMCINE Award in Mexico. Our Mothers(Nuestras Madres) is his first feature film.
  • Director César DÍAZ 세자르 디아스
  • Producer Géraldine SPRIMONT, Delphine SCHMIT
  • Cast Armando ESPITIA, Emma DIB, Aurelia CAAL, Julio Serrano ECHEVERRÍA, Victor MOREIRA
  • Screenplay César DÍAZ
  • Production Design Virginie SURDEJ
  • Editor Damien MAESTRAGGI
  • Music Rémi BOUBAL
  • Production Company Need Productions,Perspective Films
    Belgium Chaussee d’Alsemberg 596,France 12 rue calmels 75018 Paris,

    France 32 rue de l′Echiquier