

영화 정보

Hungry Hearts

19th(2014) World Cinema

Family · Love/Romance · Suspense/Mystery  

  • CountryItaly
  • Production Year2014
  • Running Time113min
  • Format DCP
  • ColorColor
Program Note
American Jude and Italian Mina meet in New York. The madly fall in love, get married and have a child together. But when Mina’s unusual child rearing methods endanger their child’s life, the couple’s relationship is tainted by doubt and anger and drives them towards a tragic end. The film presents an interesting contrast between the lively tone of a young couple in love during the early stages of their relationship and the odd mood drawn over their life after marriage. The vicarious satisfaction evoked from the straightforward and passionate love story in the film’s first half emphasizes the tragedy of the second half, which grotesquely distorts the couple’s daily squabbling over their child’s life in wide angle camerawork. This year’s Venice winning actress Alba Rohrwacher plays the off-base Mina and gives a superb, nuanced performance, while Adam Driver of Inside Llewyn Davis(2013) and Francis Ha(2012) plays Jude. The fourth feature by Saverio Constanzo, who directed the Golden Leopard-winning Private at the 2004 Locarno International Film Festival, made its premiere in competition at the 2014 Venice Film Festival. (RHEE Soue-won)
Born in Rome in 1975. He studied Sociology and he moved to New York to produce a documentary web series on Brooklyn’s Caffè Milleluci. His first feature, Privatewon the Locarno International Film Festival’s Golden Leopard in 2004. His works includes Private(2004), In Memory of Me(2007) and Hungry Hearts(2014).
  • Director Saverio COSTANZO 사베리오 코스탄초
  • Producer Mario Gianani, Lorenzo Mieli
  • Cast Adam Driver, Alba Rohrwacher, Roberta Maxwell
  • Production Company Wildside

  • World Sales Radiant Films International
    United States