

영화 정보


14th(2009) World Cinema

Suspense/Mystery · True Story · Psychology  

  • CountryRussia
  • Production Year2009
  • Running Time112min
  • Format 35mm
  • ColorCOLOR
Program Note
In 1956, a woman in a small Russian town picked up a religious icon, danced with it, and allegedly froze on the spot. She remained that way for 128 days, and the event came to be known as Zoya’s Trance. In a series of individual stories, director Proshkin doesn’t judge the event a miracle or otherwise, He examines how average Russians were affected by it. A journalist, a priest, a factory worker and Nikita Khrushchev himself all reconcile the event in their own way, and in doing so offers a glimpse into the national mindset, a view that is hopeful and upbeat and independent of the dour perceptions common in Russian cinema.
Alexander PROSHKIN
Alexander Proshkin was born in St. Petersburg, Russia and graduated from the Leningrad State Institute of Theatre Music and Cinematography. He later studied filmmaking at State Teleradio. He has written extensively for television and has served as a director at Mosfilm since 1987. His credits include [Live and Remember] (2007), [Dr. Zhivago] (2005), [Trio] (2003), and [The Captain′s Daughter] (1999).
  • Director Alexander PROSHKIN 알렉산드르 프로슈킨
  • Producer Ruben DISHDISHYAN
  • Cast Konstantin KHQBENSKY, Dolina KUPETOVA, Sergey MAKOVETSKY
  • Screenplay Yuri ARABOV
  • Production Company Central Partnership
    1st Zachahevsky per, IS, Mocsow, Russia

  • World Sales Central Partnership Sales House
    1st Zachahevsky per, IS, Mocsow, Russia