

영화 정보

Maybe God Is Ill

13th(2008) World Cinema

Social Criticism · True Story · Children  

  • CountryItaly
  • Production Year2008
  • Running Time90min
  • Format Digi Beta
  • ColorCOLOR
Program Note
Based on the novel by Walter Veltroni, Franco Taviani, brother of Paolo and Vittorio, rides the crest of the recent documentary renaissance in an attempt to comprehend some of the complex issues affecting contemporary Africa. Africa has seen over a decade of increasing social discord, civil war, health crises, and political upheaval, and Taviani’s latest travels to Mozambique, Angola, Senegal, Uganda, South Africa, and others for first-hand accounts of the impact of such issues. By juxtaposing work by traditional and modern storytellers, singers, and musicians with images culled from reality, the film simultaneously illuminates the continent’s gravest emergencies and the fundamentally vibrant life that coexist. In a location that could potentially be a window into our collective future, Taviani finds the hope that hovers near tragedy, and challenges the sad ideal that, “Everything is becoming global except consciences... especially the Western ones.”
Franco Brogi Taviani
Brother of the acclaimed directors Paolo and Vittorio, Franco Taviani is an editor, producer, and director as well. He began his career in theater, eventually moving to television, advertising, industrial films, and documentary. His films include [The Substitution] (1970), [Masoch] (1980), and [Modì: The Life of Modigliani] (1989).
  • Director Franco Brogi Taviani 프란코 브로지 타비아니
  • Producer Grazia VOLPI
  • Screenplay Franco Brogi TAVIANI
  • Cinematography Stefano MOSER
  • Editor Alessandro CERQUETTI
  • Music Giuliano TAVIANI, Carmelo TRAVIA, interpreted by Siya MAKUZENI
  • Production Company Ager 3
    Via della Lungara 3, Rome 00165 ITALY

  • World Sales Rai Trade
    Via Umberto Novaro 18, 00195 Rome ITALY