

영화 정보

Summit Circle

12th(2007) World Cinema

True Story · Family · Psychology  

  • CountryCanada
  • Production Year2007
  • Running Time98min
  • Format 35mm
  • ColorCOLOR
Program Note
The second film in a planned trilogy based on the virtues started with The Novena continues with Summit Circle. Arrested after firing a shotgun at an expensive house in Montreal, the events that brought Rejeanne to that point comprise an all-too-familiar contemporary tragedy of economics. Rejeanne opts to rebel, and never bow to our modern gods ? and she maintains her hope to the bitter end. “According to Simone Weil, hope means listening to the silence of God, fixing one’s attention on the world and making it possible to be truly aware of both beauty and horror,” states Emond. “Maybe she has a point, and in the silence of God we find a hint of the Other. Or maybe she is wrong and we are truly, irremediably, fully alone… What I know about the third film in the trilogy is this: charity is all that remains when there is nothing left.”
Bernard ÉMOND
Bernard Émond was born in Montréal and is an anthropologist by training. A documentary filmmaker, he began his career working in Canada’s far north in indigenous television. His filmography includes [Summit Circle] (2007), [The Novena] (2005), [8:17 p.m. Darling Street] (2003), and [The Woman Who Drinks] (2001).
  • Director Bernard ÉMOND 베르나르 에몽
  • Producer Bernadette PAYEUR
  • Cast Guylaine TREMBLAY, Guy JODOIN, Gildor ROY
  • Screenplay Bernard ÉMOND
  • Cinematography Jean-Claude LABRECQUE
  • Production Design Gaudeline SAURIOL
  • Editor Louise CÔTÉ
  • Sound Marcel CHOUINARD
  • Music Robert Marcel LEPAGE
  • Production Company CORPORATION ACPAV INC.
    1030, Cherrier Street, Suite 404 Montreal Quebec CANADA H2L 1H9

  • World Sales Seville Pictures
    147 St-Paul Str. West Suite 200 - Montreal QC H2Y 1Z5 CANADA