

영화 정보


10th(2005) Korean Cinema Retrospective: Lee Man-hee, the Poet of Night

War · Psychology · History  

  • CountryKorea
  • Production Year1972
  • Running Time92min
  • Format 35mm
  • ColorCOLOR
Program Note
A group of Korean soldiers are equipped with some rifles left by Japanese and US Army, standing guard at the frontline post. A corporal who watches his hometown in distance, a new enlisted soldier who doesn′t believe in war, and a sergeant who always prepares himself for war The dawn of June 25th, 1950 is breaking when the sleepless Saturday night is over. Films by Lee are often characterized by its closeness which with 04:00-1950 is seemed to be reaching its culmination. Set in 3 days before and after the break out of the Korean War, this film observes 8 soldiers surrounded by their foes that can neither escape nor fight against them in a near collapsed space. The camera mostly remains fixed on the pit and sometimes moves to the outside, in display of frustration rather than hope. Some go mad, and others suggest defending. However, they all eventually make the post as their graves. The director himself appears in the latter part of the film. (Cho Young-jung)
LEE Man-hee
Born in 1931, director Lee Man-hee graduated from Kyungshin High School and served as a communications soldier during the Korean War. He worked as assistant to director Ahn Jong-hwa in 1956 and entered the film industry. At the recommendation of actor Kim Seung-ho, he debuted as a director with The Guiding Light in 1961 and began to receive recognition with Dial 112, a noire style thriller, in 1962. He achieved both artistic and commercial success with war films or thrillers such as The Marines Who Didn′t Come Home, Soldiers Without a Serial Number, and The Devil′s Stairway, and dramas like Late Autumn and A Road to Return. The filmmaking conditions worsened after the 70s, but Lee Man-hee was obsessed with making films, which gradually wore down his health. On April 3, 1975, he lost consciousness in the editing room while working on The Way to Sampo and fought for his life for ten days before passing away on April 13 at the age of 45.
  • Director LEE Man-hee 이만희
  • Producer Kang Dae-jin
  • Cast Jang Dong-hui, Kim Sung-ok
  • Screenplay Lee Man-hee
  • Cinematography Kim Duk-jin
  • Production Design Roh In-taek
  • Editor Kim Chang-sun
  • Sound Son In-ho
  • Music Jeon Jung-geun