

영화 정보

Strange Circus

10th(2005) A Window on Asian Cinema


  • CountryJapan
  • Production Year2005
  • Running Time108min
  • Format 35mm
  • ColorCOLOR
Program Note
Michuko is the twelve-year-old only child of a principal father and a beautiful mother. She believes that she was bom at guillotine for no reason. After watching her parents having sex, she is raped by her father, and she becomes her father′s woman when her envious mother passes away. Absurdities such as incest, accidental murder, a suicide attempt, and group sex are part of Taeko′s por novel. The real story begins after this. Strange Circus is, in short, a story of vengeance. Writer Taeko seems to be a pervert, but when her family history is revealed through her young assistant, Yuji, it′s clearly a nightmare. The incest plot unfolds with violent images of a transgender with her breast cut-off, an electric saw instead of a guillotine, and dismemberments. Such insanity is mixed with the novel, dreams, illusions and reality. The entire movie is made up of twists, leading to the revelation of the trauma on the victim of sexual assault. Strange Circus returns to complete reality from fantasy when it is revealed that the assailant had been denying any wrongdoing, and has established and lived in the identity of the victim. The uncomfortable story was a device to disclose the family filth most effectively. (Kang So-won)
Born in Toyokawa, Japan, Sion Sono kicked off his controversial career in 1978 as a poet. He dropped out of Hosei University to concentrate on filmmaking and has since gone on to international acclaim. His films include [I Am Sion Sono] (1985), [Bicycle Sighs] (1990), [Suicide Club] (2001), [Noriko’s Dinner Table] (2005), and [Love Exposure] (2008).
  • Director SONO Sion 소노 시온
  • Producer Toshiaki Nakazawa
  • Cast Masumi Miyazaki, Issei Ishida, HIroshi Oguchi
  • Screenplay Shion Sono
  • Cinematography Yuichiro Otsuka
  • Production Design Yuto Oba
  • Editor Junichi Itou
  • Sound Shin Fukada
  • Music Shion Sono
  • Production Company SEDIC INTERNATIONAL INC.
    4F Hara Bd, 3-13-1 Hiroo, Shibuya-ku Tokyo JAPAN 150-0012