

영화 정보

Wild Berries

8th(2003) Critics' Choice

Family · Suspense/Mystery · Horror/Gore  

  • CountryJapan
  • Production Year2002
  • Running Time108m
  • Format 35mm
  • ColorCOLOR
Program Note
The Akechi family looks like a middle-class family. A typical family portrait is featured at the beginning, when daughter Tomoko prepares breakfast. However, as the story progresses, we begin to look deeper into the dark side of this family. The director coldly dissects this house of cards. Right after the daughter brings her fiance home and introduces him to her parents, the true face of this family is finally revealed. Mother neglects her father-in-law, suffering from dementia and moaning in the living room, and is only worried about her alopecia areata-a disease that causes hair loss. The story rushes to its climax, as the son returns to live at home and everything goes awry. Wild Berries, dramatized by Hirokazu Kore-eda, sharply captures the family′s dreadful qualities hidden behind the tedium of daily life, and Nishikawa Miwa′s intentions are perfectly and timely set in the film. Every scene, including the last one with both fearful and sad sentiments, testifies to the birth of a talented new young director from Japan.
Born in Hiroshima, Nishikawa graduated from Waseda University with a degree in Literature. She made her debut as screenwriter and director in 2003 with [Wild Berries.] Her second film, [Sway] was highly acclaimed, and it dominated the Japanese film awards. Nishikawa adapted the screenplay into a novel and was nominated for the Mishima Yukio Prize.
  • Director NISHIKAWA Miwa 니시카와 미와