

영화 정보

Blind Alley

4th(1999) Special Programs in Focus


  • CountryJapan
  • Production Year1985
  • Running Time57min
  • Format 16mm
  • ColorCOLOR
Program Note
One day, while wondering what kind of film he should be making, Go Riju befriends the driver of a newspaper-delivery truck. The man is rather recalcitrant, a bit of a loner, but Riju pressures him into agreeing to become the subject of a documentary. Sadly, nothing very illuminating comes of their encounters, and the man resists Riju′s attempts to get him to read books and discuss them. Eventually he tells Riju to get lost, and Riju turns in despair to the man′s next-door neighbour, a student who is apparently having trouble with his studies... You can′t tell whether it′s by accident or design while you′re watching it (things become clearer once it′s over), but Blind Alley adds up to a remarkably clear account of student-worker relationships in the 1980s. By making his own uncertainties the starting point for his film, and by measuring them against a stranger to whom they mean little or nothing, Riju in effect dramatises the impotence of many post-political intellectuals as the old marxist dreams of revolution died their natural death. This is what it′s like to grope for something to believe in at 24 frames-per-second. (Tony Rayns)
Born in Tokyo, 1962. His moter is the novelist Osanai Kieko. He began marking Super-8 Films in high school and dropped out of Seikei University to pursue a career as an actor on TV and in films. He then worked for a time with veteran director Okamoto Kihachi befor returning to directing ilms himself. He was seen as the teenage Mishima in Paul Schrader’s Mishima. His films include Zazie(1989), Elephant Song(1994), Berlin(1995) and Ryoko!!(1996). In addition to making films, he had worked as a broadcaster and taught workshops for Image Forum.
  • Director RIJU Go 리주 고
  • Producer Takeshi Ozawa, Go Riju
  • Cast Koji Sano, Asao Kobayashi, Go ruju
  • Cinematography Tsuyoshi Abe
  • Editor Koji Tanaka
  • Music Satoru Yoshida
  • Production Company Riju Go
    Daiichi Ikuryo Bldg., 704, 30-8 Sarugaku-cho, Shibuya-ku Tokyo 150-0033 Japan

  • World Sales Riju Go
    Daiichi Ikuryo Bldg., 704, 30-8 Sarugaku-cho, Shibuya-ku Tokyo 150-0033 Japan