

영화 정보

Long Live the Bride

20th(2015) Flash Forward

Urbanization · Love/Romance · Spirituality  

  • CountryItaly,France
  • Production Year2015
  • Running Time90min
  • Format DCP
  • ColorColor
Program Note
Rome is drenched in hopelessness. Nicola, who lives in a dark part of The Eternal City, stays intoxicated, as he is about to leave the world soon. The camera follows his journey and captures the moments he meets the city’s drifters, petty thieves and immigrants who live with fear of deportation. On television, a famous American actress dressed in a wedding gown visits Italy, while various people comes and go in Nicola’s world, among them Anna, a prostitute, Salvatore, who might be Anna and Nicola’s son, and Sofia, a lover from 20 years earlier. The film shows a quite dark vision of modern human society, with a protagonist who has a face completely drained of the will to live, and the various outsiders of the city. Rome is a dark city where no one can find hope; people live in constant despair. The core is the unfulfilled love of the protagonist, which is why the American actress in wedding dress is unreal and has a different atmosphere from the rest the film. Long Live the Bride is unique and delivers an unfamiliar sensation, the last scene of the film implying that the future of this city will not be any different. (RHEE Soue-won)
Rome native Ascanio Celestini is an actor, award-winning director and dramatist, critic and author who has worked across Italy and Europe. Among his acclaimed plays are Cecafumo, Fabbrica, Le nozze di Antigone, Radio Clandestina and Memoria delle Fosse ardeatine. His filmography includes the Senza paura (2004), documentary Parole sante (2007) and La pecora nera (2010).
  • Director Ascanio CELESTINI 아스카니오 첼레스티니
  • Cast Ascanio Celestini, Alba Rohrwacher, Salvatore Striano, Francesco De Miranda
  • Screenplay Ascanio Celestini
  • Cinematography Luca Bigazzi
  • Editor Cecilia Zanuso
  • Production Company MALIA
    Italy Lungotevere Ripa 3/B IT-00153 Roma

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