

영화 정보

With Child

19th(2014) Flash Forward

Family · Love/Romance · Psychology  

  • CountryCanada
  • Production Year2014
  • Running Time87min
  • Format DCP
  • ColorColor
Program Note
Auden Price, a widowed construction worker, is left to care for Riley, his four-month old daughter. Against the advice of Karen, his overbearing sister-in-law, Auden decides to go it alone. After many failed attempts, Auden finally lands a job renovating the basement of an eccentric university professor, Petra Dell, who allows him to bring Riley to work. But Auden is too wrapped up in his own grief, too inexperienced as a parent, and too used to being alone on a job site to navigate this overwhelming life-changing event. Things only get more confusing when Petra takes advantage of Auden’s vulnerable state and strikes up an awkward romance with him. In the midst of all of this, Karen files for full custody of Riley. Despite being assailed by grief, in an odd romance with his boss and with serious sleep deprivation, Auden must come face to face with his grief, accept his wife’s death and the joy of his daughter’s life if he wants to live in this new world.
Writer-director Titus Heckel earned degrees in physics and theology before turning to filmmaking. His films include Kids Unlimited(2008) and Mississippi Remixed(2010) for television and The Better Man(2012). With Child is his feature directorial debut.
  • Director Titus HECKEL 타이투스 헤켈
  • Producer Leslie Lewis, Shannon Braithwaite
  • Cast Kerry van der Griend, Leslie Lewis, Lori Kokotailo, Mike Soltis, Beau Heaton
  • Screenplay Titus Heckel
  • Cinematography Vince Arvidson
  • Production Design Alyssa King
  • Editor John Redpath
  • Sound Kevin Hamilton
  • Music Alfredo Santa Ana
  • Production Company With Child Productoins
    Canada 2948 Grant Street