

영화 정보

Horses of God

17th(2012) World Cinema


  • CountryMorocco,France,Belgium
  • Production Year2012
  • Running Time115min
  • Format DCP
  • ColorColor
Program Note
Yachine is a boy who lives in Sidi Moumen, a slum in Morocco. He is always jealous of his charismatic elder brother Hamid. One day, an accident occurs and led by Hamid, Yachine joins a fundamentalist group and completely changes his life. Winner of the Cannes 2012 Francois Chalais Award, this film, based on a novel by Mahi Binebine and directed by Nabil Ayouch, was inspired by a terrorists' attack which occurred in Casablanca in May 16, 2003. The film touches upon the core of this little-explored issue - how suicide bombers are trained. The typical training process of young Islamists is juxtaposed with the conflict between the two brothers, creating a universally touching story rather than a political one. The soccer scene at the beginning of the film is special because it not only shows that time has passed but it also seems to reflect the unchanged life conditions of the boys living in the slum. Realistic characters and their dramatic acting draw attention and the last close-up shot lingers in the memory. (RHEE, Soue-won)
Ayouch, born in 1969 in Paris, directed his first feature film Mektoub in 1997, which was one of two films representing Morocco at the Oscars that year. Next came <Une Minute de Soleil en Moins> (2003) and <Whatever Lola Wants> (2008). Between 2005 and 2010, he produced 40 genre films and has long been an active founder and supporter of programmes that assist aspiring Moroccan and Mediterranean filmmakers. In 2012, Ayouch finished <Les Chevaux de Dieu>, inspired by the Casablanca suicide bombings of May 16th 2003.
  • Director Nabil AYOUCH 나빌 아유쉬
  • Producer AYOUCH Nabil
  • Cast RACHID Abdelhakim, RACHID Abdelilah, SOUIDEK Hamza, EL IDRISSI AMRANI Ahmed
  • Screenplay BELMAHI Jamal
  • Cinematography ALAOUIE Hichame
  • Editor KEYEUX Damien
  • Sound NACIRI Zacharie, LESACHET Eric
  • Music MALVINA Malvina
  • Production Company Les Films du Nouveau Monde
    France 23, Rue Fourcroy 75 017 PARIS

  • World Sales WILD BUNCH
    France 99 rue de la verrerie 75 004 Paris