

영화 정보

Let the Sunshine In

22nd(2017) World Cinema

Adventure · Love/Romance · Social Criticism · Women  

  • CountryFrance
  • Production Year2017
  • Running Time94min
  • Format DCP
  • ColorColor
Program Note
A middle-aged woman starved for love is in search of a lover. Isabelle is a Parisian painter and divorcée. She keeps dating various men in search of true love. Yet she is surrounded by married men looking to use her, or men with completely different backgrounds. The film begins with a close-up of Juliette Binoche’s face, and continues to follow this outstanding actress’s face and movements. Claire Denis’ camera captures the blundering Isabelle and the worthless and hollow married men surrounding her through long and short, snippy takes. The air between the so-so men and the woman is expertly expressed. Another point to watch out for is the superb performances by seasoned actors, including Xavier Beauvois, playing the image of a temperamental and egotistic married man, and Gérard Depardieu, acting the fortune teller with a mind-shattering way with words. Denis and Binoche work together in this talk of the town, which is the director’s 13th feature, as well as the opening film from the 2017 Directors’ Fortnight at the Cannes Film Festival. (RHEE Souewon)
Claire DENIS
Claire Denis was born in Paris, raised primarily in West Africa, and graduated from France’s Institut des Hautes Études Cinématographiques(IDHEC). Her films include Good Work (1999), Friday Night (2002), 35 Shots of Rum (2008), White Material (2009), Bastards (2013), and Here is the Concatenation (2014). Let the Sunshine In is her latest film.
  • Director Claire DENIS 클레르 드니
  • Producer Olivier DELBOSC
  • Cast Juliette BINOCHE, Xavier BINOCHE, Josiane BALASKO
  • Cinematography Agnes GODARD
  • Production Design Arnaud DE MOLERON
  • Editor Guy LECORNE
  • Music Stuart A. STAPLES
  • Production Company Curiosa Films

  • World Sales Films Distribution
    France 5 Rue Nicolas Flamel 75004 PARIS, FRANCE