

영화 정보

Scream of The Ants

11th(2006) A Window on Asian Cinema

Social Criticism · Tradition · Spirituality  

  • CountryIran,India,France
  • Production Year2006
  • Running Time91min
  • Format 35mm
  • ColorCOLOR
Program Note
It seems that Makhmalbaf is now putting himself into idealism. His consistent subject matter is philosophical - fundamental questions of the truth rather than the complex, paradoxical reality of our time, as shown in his previous films in his writings about Afghanistan. In this regard, [Scream of the Ants] is a philosophical apologue. The film follows a couple`s experiences on their journey to India: the wife believes in God, while her husband is an atheist. Through the dialogues the couple has with people on the journey, Makhmalbaf delivers his message to audience. A moment of awakening might come from a conversation with a "saint", or from the shocking scene of the Ganges where life and death coexist. Surely, there comes a powerful moment of reflection during the entire film, even after the film is over. The message that Makhmalbaf wishes to give audiences never seems to be simple. The wife happens to hear the screams of the ants when she steps on them on her road to see "the Perfect Man", and the husband roars when he faces the stern reality of unequal coexistence of the poor and the rich in the cremation scene on the Ganges. Juxtaposing these two scenes, Makhmalbaf clearly and authentically shows the theme of the film. (Kim Ji-Seok)
Born in Teheran in 1957, Mohsen Makhmalbaf participated in the opposition movement against the shah of Iran, as a teenager. He quit politics in 1980 and turned towards cultural work by publishing short stories, plays, and a novel. In 1982, he directed his first film [Nosuh′s Repentance], since then, he has made several films and is now recognised as one of the most important filmmakers in Iran. He has also published 27 books, which have been translated into over 10 languages. Since 1996, he has been teaching filmmaking.
  • Director Mohsen MAKHMALBAF 모흐센 마흐말바프
  • Producer Mohsen MAKHMALBAF
  • Cast Mahmoud CHOKROLLAHI, Mahnour SHADZI
  • Screenplay Mohsen MAKHMALBAF, Vincent MARAVAL
  • Cinematography Bakhshor
  • Editor Mohsen MAKHMALBAF
  • Music Craig PRUESS
  • Production Company Makhmalbaf Film House

  • World Sales Wild Bunch
    99, rue de la Verrerie, Paris, 75004, France